Simple Action

Creating and trigerring a custom action

Topics covered:

  • What is a custom action
  • How to create a custom action
  • How to Register a Custom Action
  • How to use a custom action


  • A project with Beagle Configured (FRONT and BACKEND)

What is a custom action?

A custom action is an action with a specific behavior created by the developer. Beagle has a number of default actions, however, there may be a situation that requires A new functionality, such as opening a camera interface on a cell phone.

If you want to know more about Default Beagle actions you can check the session with the action-types..

How to create a custom action

To create a custom action you need to:

Step 1. Create a class annotated with @RegisterAction, and implement the Action interface, in your application FRONTEND and BACKEND enviroments; Step 2. Set the action name by annotation parameter to avoid possible problems with Proguard and make sure that the action has the same name in the BACKEND and FRONTEND; Step 3. After that, the interface will ask for the execute method to be implemented (only in FRONTEND);

The value attribute is an example of a parameter that can be declared in the Action class constructor, you can set as many as you need. The following example shows a custom action that will execute a Toast receiving a text as the value parameter:

Class that represents an action in FRONTEND (Android)

data class CustomActionAndroid(
    val value: String
) : Action {
    override fun execute(rootView: RootView) {

Class representing the action in the BACKEND

data class CustomActionAndroid(
    val value: String
) : Action

Below we have the JSON that represents this action being called from the click of a button:

  "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:button",
  "text": "Beagle Button",
  "onPress": [
      "_beagleAction_": "custom:myCustomAction",
      "value": "ParameterForAction."

How to use a custom action

As with default actions, to use a custom action, just declare it in a component that performs actions, such as a Button. In the example below, the action is declared in the button’s onPress attribute:

   text = text,
   styleId = styleId,
   onPress = listOf(
      CustomActionAndroid("I am a custom action")