Beagle's dependencies

You will find here information about Beagle’s iOS dependencies and properties.


Your application can change Beagle’s default behaviour with the properties customization of the Beagle.dependencies instantiation.

They have a specific role in Beagle’s capacity, this is the reason you have to deal Beagle.dependencies as the main focus on your customization, so that other parts of your application are able to see the changes you made in the dependencies.

You must rely on the default implementation, like the example below:

class BeagleDependencies: BeagleDependenciesProtocol {

    var urlBuilder: UrlBuilderProtocol
    var networkClient: NetworkClient
    var decoder: ComponentDecoding
    var appBundle: Bundle
    var theme: Theme
    var validatorProvider: ValidatorProvider?
    var deepLinkHandler: DeepLinkScreenManaging?
    var localFormHandler: LocalFormHandler?
    var repository: Repository
    var analytics: Analytics?
    var navigation: BeagleNavigation
    var preFetchHelper: BeaglePrefetchHelping
    var cacheManager: CacheManagerProtocol?
    var formDataStoreHandler: FormDataStoreHandling
    var windowManager: WindowManager
    var opener: URLOpener
    var globalContext: GlobalContext
    var isLoggingEnabled: Bool
    var logger: BeagleLoggerType

Beagle’s dependencies must be registered in the AppDelegate class. Check out the example below:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var window: UIWindow?
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, 
        didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        let dependencies = BeagleDependencies()
        dependencies.theme = AppTheme.theme
        dependencies.urlBuilder = UrlBuilder(baseUrl: URL(string: .baseURL))
        dependencies.navigation.defaultAnimation = .init(
            pushTransition: .init(
                type: .fade, 
                subtype: .fromRight, duration: 0.1
            modalPresentationStyle: .formSheet
        dependencies.isLoggingEnabled = true
            component: CustomComponent.self, 
            named: "CustomComponent"
            action: CustomAction.self,
            named: "CustomAction")
        Beagle.dependencies = dependencies
        let rootViewController = MainScreen().screenController()
        window?.rootViewController = rootViewController
        return true


It configures the base URL to your application, it’s used when the navigation flow via Beagle are defined, you can use a relative URL.

See how to use it below:

dependencies.urlBuilder = UrlBuilder(baseUrl: URL(string: "YOUR BASE URL


It can run network requests. Your application must be customized here, because every project has a specific network layer. For that, the default implementation cannot work on your project.


It transforms a JSON into Beagle’s Component (Elements Section). It already has a logic to decode all the default components. If you have to work with customized components, you can register them in this instance.

See below how to register a component and a customized action:

    component: CustomWidget.self, 
    named: "CustomWidget"

    action: CustomAction.self, 
    named: "CustomAction"


You can provide a package for your application in a way Beagle can access your resources, for example, images, fonts, colors, etc.


It stores all your styles and it knows how to apply them in your components. Some widgets have a variable that allows you to define the style. Each name must be passed on the dependency of theme, so that style may be used in your component.

To configure the customized styles, follow the next steps:

Step 1: create a function that it will receive a UIKit widget representation of what you want to apply to the style.

static func blackTextNormalStyle() -> (UITextView?) -> Void {
    return {
        $0?.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 16)
        $0?.textColor = .black

Step 2: create a concrete instance of AppTheme with the names of your style and its functions.

let theme = AppTheme(styles: [
    "myStyleName": blackTextNormalStyle

Step 3: assign your Theme instance to Beagle’s dependencies.

Beagle.dependencies.theme = theme

Step 4: now, you can use Text with your style properties and then configure the name your defined for your customized style.

Text("Some text", style: "myStyleName")


Validates the customization that it will be made when the Form widget will be used.


This handler is used for a deep link navigation action. The variable has a default value, you can add new screens or replace for other in the application.

You will find how to add a screen with a possible deep linking routing using a default value below:

let deepLinkHandler = DeeplinkScreenManager.shared
deepLinkHandler["MyDeepLinkScreen"] = MyDeepLinkScreenClass.self
Beagle.dependenciesdeepLinkHandler = deepLinkHandler


Your application can deal with form being send by the user using FormLocalAction.

LocalFormHandler defined on Beagle’s dependencies will be used to run this.


It is responsible for three main operations on:

  1. fetchComponent: orchestrate the request to search widgets on the server.
  2. submitForm: submit forms on widget.
  3. fetchImage: search images for networkImage.


It is a protocol that can be implemented to track the appearence of the screen or its closing or a click event.

See the example below:

class AnalyticsSample: Analytics {
    func trackEventOnScreenAppeared(_ event: AnalyticsScreen) {
        print("Screen \(event.screenName) appeared")
    func trackEventOnScreenDisappeared(_ event: AnalyticsScreen) {
        print("Screen \(event.screenName) disappeared")
    func trackEventOnClick(_ event: AnalyticsClick) {
        print("Button touch with:\ncategory = \(event.category)\nlabel = \(event.label ?? "empty")\nvalue = \(event.value ?? "empty")")

navigation deals with the navigate types of action in your application. There is one implementation that it is used with default value, but that it can be replaced for a BeagleNavigation class.

On this same attribute is also possible to define a navigation animation.


This component is used to search BeagleScreenViewControllers and delivers a fluid experience to the user. It already has a value, it can be altered to fit what you need.

The pre search is used when there is a navigataion widget in a way you can download all the data possible in the next screen, avoiding navigation delays. This behaviour can be deactivated.


It is responsible to keep and manage the server-driven content cache of your application.


It is a way to persist the form data.


It is responsible to manage a window.


It is a protocol that has a method and opens an URL in case you need to navigate through an external link.


Variable that defines a global scope context.


It is a boolean variable that enables or disables the logs. It is enabled by default.


Logger is a variable type BeagleLoggerType that organizes the application’s logs. These logs follow a LogType protocol, which there are parameters:

  • category: log’s matter;
  • message: log’s message;
  • level: ranks the critical level.