Navigation Animation

You will find here information about Navigation.


On BeagleNavigation protocol there is a defaultAnimation variable that allows you to change the transition animation of your application and also another function that deals with the navigate actions types and define their behaviour.

Use the default implementation, but only if it is necessary. This implementation can be replaced by a class, according to the protocol above.

Protocol and customization

On BeagleNavigation Protocol there is a defaultAnimation variable that determines how the view is animated onscreen when it is presented.

It allows you to change transitions for pushing and popping view controllers with pushTransition and popTransition variables. You can also change your modalPresentationStyle and modalTransitionStyle.

public struct BeagleNavigatorAnimation {
    var pushTransition: Transition?
    var popTransition: Transition?
    var modalPresentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle?
    var modalTransitionStyle: UIModalTransitionStyle

In the structure below, there are types of CATransition where you can transition between a layer’s states by creating and adding a CATransition object to it.

public struct Transition {
   var type: CATransitionType
   var subtype: CATransitionSubtype?
   var duration: Double


In the example below, the default apps push transition and modalPresentationStyle were changed.

let animation = BeagleNavigatorAnimation(
                   pushTransition: .init(
                       type: .fade,
                       subtype: .fromRight,
                       duration: 1.0),
                   modalPresentationStyle: .formSheet)

let dependencies = BeagleDependencies()
dependencies.navigation.defaultAnimation = animation