Installing Beagle Angular

Here, you’ll find how to install Beagle on your web’s application, considering Angular or React’s frameworks.

Beagle Angular’s current:badge

Step 1: Install Beagle’s library

To follow the installation process, navigate to the root of your angular project and run one of the commands below according to the package manager of your preference.

If you use Yarn:

yarn add @zup-it/beagle-angular

If you use npm:

npm install --save @zup-it/beagle-angular

Step 2: Verify the installation

To confirm if the process worked, you simply have to use one of the commands below:

yarn beagle help
npx beagle help

If Beagle’s commands were listed like the image below it means the installation worked correctly.

Next Steps

On this section, you made Beagle’s initial installation on your application!
Now, keep configuring Beagle:

👉Go to initial configurations to enable the use of Beagle on your Web project.

👉 If you want to go straight to practice, access our tutorial to create a project from zero.

Last modified October 8, 2021: Adds links to framework docs (#789) (fcf7a1e1)