
Description of the component Button and its attributes

What is it?

This component is a server-driven button responsible for setting a native button through Beagle.

Check the example below to see how the structure works:

textString or BindingDefines the button text and what it must be declared and it cannot be null.
styleIdString or BindingIt refers to a native style to be applied in the button. This attribute is optional, when it's not informed, your application's default style will be used.
onPressList <Action>Possible array actions that this button will go off when clicked. It is possible to adapt this action to be customized or an extension of any action already available in your interface. This attribute is optional, but if an action is defined here, it must be configured in the frontend. To create an action in the frontend, see the example here.
clickAnalyticsEventClickEventClick event that will go off in case an analytics service has been implemented. Check here fore more information about analytics.

How to use it?

    text = "Click me!",
    styleId = "DesignSystem.MyNativeStyle",
    onPress = listOf(Alert(message="Button example"))

👉 Try it in the Web Playground

Last modified March 5, 2021: fix: change table docs (#385) (ea0ea742)