
In this section, you will learn more about Beagle built-in tests and tests in Beagle applications.

Unit tests

Unit tests measure code functionality at its minor fraction or unit. Beagle has its own unit tests, and they should be frequently reviewed, updated or added to make sure important code units are tested.

User interface tests

Beagle implements its own UI tests to make sure interface level components and their behavior work as expected. Both mobile and web platforms are tested this way and the main frameworks used are:

Mobile instrumented tests

Instrumented tests, also known as instrumented unit tests, are tests that run on physical devices or emulators, and they take advantage of APIs to forward (instrument \ orchestrate) instructions from the code to the device or emulator. These tests provide more fidelity than local unit tests, but they run slower. On Beagle instrumented tests, sometimes a server-driven component doesn’t or cannot have an ID. In this case we add a widget element that refers to the component, and an ID, so we can identify the component by the programmatically generated ID.

Mobile Instrumented Tests: example

In this example, it was implemented an instrumented test on the Android platform using Espresso framework. We verified the functionality selection and the value insertion of the server-driven text field component.

   public void TestSelectTextField() {
       new BeagleRobot()
           .checkViewContainsText("Beagle Sample")

Step 1: Start the test

You start the test validating if the application was properly opened on the main page. The function checkViewContainsText validates if the header is presented on the screen. The component used here does not have an ID, so you can use the text in the header (withText(text)) to locate the view on the main page:

public BeagleTest checkViewContainsText(String text) {
        return this;

Step 2: Present the menu

After you locate the header, the next step is to use the function selectMenuOption to select the “hamburger” icon and present the options of the menu. Since the server-driven component doesn’t have an ID for this example, you have to use the component’s placement to perform this selection. This way, you search for the text on the ContentDescription with value “More options”, and then its placement on the component’s hierarchy:

public BeagleTest selectMenuOption() {
        onView(allOf(withContentDescription("More options"), childAtPosition(childAtPosition(withId(R.id.action_bar), 1), 0))).perform(click());
        return this;

Step 3: Select the component

Here, the test will click on a textfield component (located from its text). The component is a menu item and it was already loaded in the previous step.

public BeagleTest clickOnText(final String text) {
        onView(allOf(withText(text), isDisplayed())).perform(click());
        return this;

Step 4: Insert a component

You will insert a text to the text field component. Since this component doesn’t have an ID or a text, it will be located by its placement in the hierarchy of the related components. Check the function typeIntoTextField:

public BeagleTest typeIntoTextField(int position1, int position2, String text) {
            withId(R.id.fragment_content), position1), position2)
        return this;

Benchmark Beagle Movies

You will know more about Beagle Movies on this section, an application developed using Beagle.

Robolectric Configuration

Robolectric configuration for Android unit tests

Using Widget Id

How to set and get id on a widget

Last modified February 11, 2021: create content (#298) (43225e15)