
Here you will find all information about components and its attributes details.

ServenDrivenComponent is the father of all Beagle’s components, such as widgets, forms e navigation, they will be implemented throughServerDrivenComponent.

Any visual component is required to extend a specific class to work on Beagle. Some of these components are already implemented like Button, Text and Image.

You can have other visual component as well, and you are able to create customized components that will have to extend the widget class, according to your platform (Android or iOS).

Beagle has 21 components, they are currently divided into 5 categories:


Here you will find all information about components and its attributes details.


UI components description and its attributes details.


Description of components that enable click actions in another components


Lazy components description and its attributes details


Layout components description and its attributes details


Forms components description and its attributes details

Last modified March 11, 2021: feat: section overview (#391) (2c91101e)