Here, you’ll find how to make iOs' configuration to install Beagle.


Before you start to configure Beagle for your iOS system, it’s important to check out if you have installed all the current versions of the following programs: ‌

  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • Swift 5.0+

Dependencies' Management

Currently, Beagle is available for integrations through Carthage and CocoaPods.

Installation with CocoaPods

To integrate Beagle with your application through CocoaPods, you have to add the framework as a dependency of your Podfile.

Current Beagle’s version**:**badge

This process must be done in the following way:

pod 'Beagle'
pod 'YogaKit', :git => ''

Installation with Carthage

Step 1: Integrate with your application

To integrate Beagle with your application through Carthage, you have to add the framework as a dependency on your Cartfile.

This process must be done in the following way:

github "ZupIT/beagle" ~> 1.0.1

Step 2: Build on dependencies

After the integration, you must follow the normal process of building with Carthage on your dependencies. The expected is that you receive some .framework files.

In Beagle’s case, the mandatory files to make you application work are:

  • Beagle.framework
  • YogaKit.framework

Other frameworks can be used only in more specific scenarios.

Next Steps

On this section, you made Beagle’s initial installation on your application!
Now, keep configuring Beagle:

👉To keep knowing Beagle and test if everything worked with the installation, go to initial configurations and create your first Hello World!

👉 If you want to go straight to practice, access our tutorial to create a project from zero.