Arrays manipulation operator

You will find a description of arrays manipulation operator.

What are they?

insert“@{insert(array, 5)}”Operators that receives two inputs, where the first parameter is an array and the second is the element that you want to insert in this array.
remove“@{remove(array, 1)}”Operators that receives two inputs, where the first parameter is an array and the second is the element that you want to remove this array.
removeIndex“@{removeIndex(array, 2)}”Operators that receives two inputs, where the first parameter is an array and the second is the index that you want to remove this array.
contains“@{contains(array, 3)}”Operators that receives two inputs, where the first parameter is an array and the second is the element that you want to verify if it contains in this array.


See the example of a screen where the a context was declared with numbersArray id with the values [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], this context is used in the removeIndex operation in the text component text, where it removes the element of index 2.

fun screen() = Screen(child = 
        context = ContextData(id = "numbersArray", value = arrayOf(0,1,2,3,4)),
        children = listOf(
            Text(text = "Array was [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and after removing index 2 now is: "),
                expressionOf("@{removeIndex(numbersArray, 2)}")
            ).setStyle{ backgroundColor = "#00FF00" }