Case Backend

Here, you’ll find a tutorial to start a backend project with Beagle.

Starting a Backend project

In this tutorial, the Backend will be implemented with Beagle so that it can respond to requests from your server-driven application, be it on Android, iOS or WEB.


To create a Beagle project for backend, it is necessary:

  • IDE Intelij IDE Community

Step 1: Configure using Spring initializr

The first step to configure your backend is to access Spring website.
It will create aMaven project that will help your project’s configuration.

Spring configuration

  • Choose Maven as your project option;
  • Check kotlin as a language;
  • Choose the initial version bigger than 2.1.
  • Group is the name it will be used as a hierarchy in the beginning. For this example, it can be com.example;
  • Artifact is the project’s name. You will name it BFF;
  • Description contain a simple description of the project;
  • Packaging must be checked as JAR;
  • Java must be chosen as the java version of your system;
  • Click on generate and it will download your project;
  • Extract the file in your chosen folder.

Step 2: Import your project to Intellij

Follow the steps below to import the project you have created. First, open intellij and click on Import project.

  1. Choose the file where you put yourSpring project and click ok.
  2. Click on Import projects from external model and choose Maven and then, click finish.

Configuring Beagle

Step 1: Configure the project

As a starting point, follow this step by step to install the backend.

Step 2: Define the structure

The second step is to create some packages to better organize the project. They will be named: builder,service and controller

  1. Click src> main> kotlin until you find the name of your project.
  2. Right-click new> package
  3. Name it builder and press enter.
  4. Repeat the process creating the other two packages, naming them service and controller
  5. After creating the packages, your screen should look like this:

Step 3: ‌ Create the application service

The first class that we will create is the Builder. It is in this file that the Server-Driven screen must be structured:

  1. Right-click the builder package and click new> Kotlin File / Class and name it ScreenBeagleBuilder
  2. This class must extend from ScreenBuilder (which is an internal Beagle class).
  3. Note that it will replace the build method and this is where the Server-Driven screen will be implemented.
  4. In this step, you can copy and paste the code below into your class:
object ScreenBeagleBuilder : ScreenBuilder {
    override fun build() = Screen(
        child = Container(
            children = listOf(
                    text = "Hello Beagle!",
                    styleId = "Title.Text.Orange"
                ).setStyle {
                    margin = EdgeValue.only(top = 16)
                }.setFlex {
                    alignSelf = AlignSelf.CENTER
                    text = "Beagle is a cross-platform framework which provides usage of the " +
                        "Server-Driven UI concept, natively in iOS, Android and Web applications. " +
                        "By using Beagle, your team could easily change application's layout and" +
                        " data by just changing backend code.",
                    styleId = "Description.Text.Orange"
                ).setStyle {
                    margin = EdgeValue.only(top = 20, left = 16, right = 16)

The next class we will create is Service:

  1. Right-click the service package and click New> Kotlin File / Class.
  2. Name it ScreenBeagleService. This class must be annotated with @Service, which is a Spring annotation
  3. Implement a method called createScreenBeagle that returns the ScreenBeagleBuilder class:
import com.example.bff.builder.ScreenBeagleBuilder
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service

class ScreenBeagleService {
  fun createScreenBeagle() = ScreenBeagleBuilder

And then the Controller class.

  1. In the controller package, create a class and name it ScreenController. It must be annotated with @RestController to expose its components through the Rest API.
  2. He will receive a ScreenBeagleService through his main builder, so Spring can inject it for you.
  3. Create your class as in the example below:
import com.example.bff.service.ScreenBeagleService
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController

class ScreenController(
        private val screenBeagleService: ScreenBeagleService
) {
    fun getFirstScreen() = screenBeagleService.createScreenBeagle()
  • The @RestController annotation defines this class as a controller class
  • The screenBeagleService parameter must have its type defined as: ScreenBeagleService
  • The getScreen method needs to annotate @ GetMapping ("/ screen") to create the "/ screen" path in the application’s URL and receive the result of the createScreenBeagle function

The backend is ready to serve as the BFF of your Server-Driven application.

Initializing the application

Now it’s time to start your application, follow the next steps:

Step 1: Run the project

Click on the green triangle named run, or press and hold SHIFT + F10 to run your back-end application.

Your screen should look like this:

Step 2: Make a request

Open your browser and type: localhost: 8080 / screen

A JSON structure must appear on your screen similar to the structure below:

            "text":"Hello Beagle!",
            "text":"Beagle is a cross-platform framework which provides usage of the Server-Driven UI concept, natively in iOS, Android and Web applications. By using Beagle, your team could easily change application's layout and data by just changing backend code.",

Step 3: Check the process

If that is not the answer you had, it is necessary to check the configuration process again. Go back to the previous steps and start with the classes that have the biggest mistakes when configured for the first time.

Or, if you prefer, take the finished project from our repository and compare it with yours. You can access the repository here.

To learn more about configuring your frontend environment, see more at:

👉 Beagle implementation tutorial for Android.

👉Beagle implementation tutorial for iOS.

👉Beagle implementation tutorial for Web.