Beagle Framework

Here you’ll understand how to use this framework.

This section explains how to create a backend without using frameworks such as Spring or Micronaut. You will find the tools to create a BFF to your project.

It’s important to say that:

  • Beagle was created to be independent, you dont need a specific backend structure.
  • starters of the initial configuration already does all the process described in this page and automatically add the configuration below:

Follow the next steps to configure your BFF manually:

Step 1: Add dependencies


Step 2: Configure the Jackson’s ObjectMapper

It is necessary to setup Jackson’s ObjectMapper for Beagle. There are two ways to do this:

First, you can register BeagleModule in your ObjectMapper.

val mapper = // however your ObjectMapper is initialized

Or you can use the function beagleObjectMapper. This function returns a ObjectMapper using jacksonObjectMapper() with a BeagleModule registered.

val mapper = BeagleSerializationUtil.beagleObjectMapper()

Step 3: Configure the BeagleCacheHandler

In order to use the cache mechanism, Beagle offers a class called BeagleCacheHandler and an interface RestCacheHandler. It is recommended to use them as a response filter in your project.

BeagleCacheHandler class contains a implementation template of the protocol. This template doesn’t depend of the HTTP and REST structure and uses a handleCache method. However, it needs to interact with the HTTP response details, then RestCacheHandler is used.

Using the javax.servlet

See below a demostration of this class, it was implemented using a javax.servlet class.

  • A javax.servlet.Filter filter was created. It applies to the cache protocol for every response given by the backend.
  • To focus on the cache managers, the javax.servlet.HttpServletResponse was left out, this omission is addressed in the codes with comments.

Step 4: Implement the RestCacheHandler

You have to implement a RestCacheHandler interface, with four transformation that a manipulator needs to run in your response object. It is generic and it must be specified for what kind of response is used in your HTTP structure. Your methods must behave like described below:

addHashHeader(response, header)Returns a response with aheader adding their headers to the BeagleCacheHandler.CACHE_HEADER key
addStatus(response, status)Returns a response with a status
callController(response)Returns a response resulting from the calling of the controller (generally following the filter chain).
getBody(response)Returns a body of the response with a String
class MyCacheHandler(
    private val request: HttpServletRequest,
    private val chain: FilterChain
) : RestCacheHandler<HttpServletResponse> {
    override fun addHashHeader(
        response: HttpServletResponse,
        header: String
    ): HttpServletResponse {
        response.setHeader(BeagleCacheHandler.CACHE_HEADER, header)
        return response

    override fun addStatus(
        response: HttpServletResponse,
        status: Int
    ): HttpServletResponse {
        response.status = status
        return response

    override fun callController(response: HttpServletResponse): HttpServletResponse {
        this.chain.doFilter(this.request, response)
        return response

    // There is no direct way to access an HttpServletResponse's content,
    // this is only to demonstrate the idea
    override fun getBody(response: HttpServletResponse) = response.content

Step 5: Create a Filter that uses the BeagleCacheHandler

Now, you need to create an BeagleCacheHandler instance and call the handleCache method for it. This instance can accept a string list that represents a regex’s endpoint to not be stored in cache.

They must be a valid java.util.regex.Pattern. The handleCache parameters are described below. This filter returns a transformed response:

endpointendpoint requested.
receivedHashBeagleCacheHandler.CACHE_HEADER value that came with the request.
initialResponseA type of response to be transformed.
restCacheHandleryour implementation instance of the RestCacheHandler.
class MyFilter : Filter {
    private val beagleCacheHandler = BeagleCacheHandler()

    override fun doFilter(
        request: ServletRequest?,
        response: ServletResponse?,
        chain: FilterChain?
    ) {
        if (request is HttpServletRequest
        && response is HttpServletResponse
        && chain != null) {
                MyCacheHandler(request, chain)

Step 6: Configure the platform’s specification mechanism

In order to have the element’s platform filter working, it is necessary to configure a filter. It is recommended to register a filter that verifies your BFF’s response and filters the sent elements according to the specified platform on your customized beagle-platform header.

The BeaglePlatformUtil class was created to provide some tools to make the configuration easier to be used in your filter. See below:

BEAGLE_PLATFORM_HEADERName of the header field used by Beagle to verify which platform BFF is interacting with.
treatBeaglePlatform(currentPlatform, jsonNode)Returns a JsonNode as a parameter jsonNode with elements that the platform does not correspond to the parameter currentPlatform removed

An example of a Spring interceptor:

class BeaglePlatformInterceptor(private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper) : HandlerInterceptor {

    override fun preHandle(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse, handler: Any): Boolean {
        return true

    override fun postHandle(
        request: HttpServletRequest,
        response: HttpServletResponse,
        handler: Any,
        modelAndView: ModelAndView?
    ) {
        val responseWrapper = (response as ContentCachingResponseWrapper)
        val jsonTree = this.objectMapper.readTree(responseWrapper.contentAsByteArray)
        val jsonData = jsonTree.toPrettyString()

The example above, preHandle passed the information from the platform the request was made as an attribute, so that it can be accessed after by BFF and then it will make the platform’s identification easier. We also have postHandle that filters the elements according to the targeted platform in your BFF’s response.

Last modified February 11, 2021: create content (#298) (43225e15)