
Here you’ll find how to prepare your application to map the Analytics information


As most projects use some sort of tagging to gather data about users behaviors and Beagle offers a way to get those informations.

It is necessary to configure all platforms that will be used. You can check the configuration for each one of them bellow:


  • Select an option

To make the Analytics feature work on your Android project you just need to add a Class that implements the Analytics interface and annotate this Class with the @BeagleComponent annotation:

class SampleAnalytics: Analytics {

    override fun trackEventOnClick(event: ClickEvent) {
        //TODO: send click event to your tagging library

    override fun trackEventOnScreenAppeared(event: ScreenEvent) {
        //TODO: send screen appeared event to your tagging library

    override fun trackEventOnScreenDisappeared(event: ScreenEvent) {
        //TODO: send screen disappeared event to your tagging library 


To make the Analytics feature work on your iOS project you just need to add a class that implements the Analytics protocol and pass an instance of this class to the Beagle Dependencies:

import BeagleUI

class SampleAnalytics: Analytics {
    func trackEventOnScreenAppeared(_ event: AnalyticsScreen) {
        //TODO: send screen appeared event to your tagging library
    func trackEventOnScreenDisappeared(_ event: AnalyticsScreen) {
        //TODO: send screen disappeared event to your tagging library
    func trackEventOnClick(_ event: AnalyticsClick) {
        //TODO: send click event to your tagging library

Transfer the Analytics implementation to the Beagle Dependencies:

let dependencies = BeagleDependencies() = SampleAnalytics()
Beagle.dependencies = dependencies

To make the Analytics feature work on your Web project, you must create a handler to the click and screen event, see the example below:

import { ClickEvent, ScreenEvent } from '@zup-it/beagle-web/types'

const analyticsHandler = {
  trackEventOnClick: (event: ClickEvent) => {
    //handle click event
  trackEventOnScreenAppeared: (event: ScreenEvent) => {
    //handle screen appeared event
  trackEventOnScreenDisappeared: (event: ScreenEvent) => {
    //handle screen disappeared event

Now, add the analytics property on the configuration files of the framework’s library you are using:

Angular: open the beagle.module.ts file and alter just like the example below:

  analytics: analyticsHandler

React: open the library configuration file and follow the example:

export default createBeagleUIService<any>({
    analytics: analyticsHandler

The tagging feature was at first added to only some components and mostly used behaviors. Below we listed and described those behaviors and provided some samples:‌

Click option

For tagging the click event of an Widget, it was added to the Button and Touchable Widgets the property clickAnalyticsEvent with the following attributes:

  • Category: This variable specifies the type of object that had some interaction with. It is a required attribute.
  • Label: allows you to provide more context about the interaction. It is an optional attribute.
  • Value: the value of an event. It is an optional attribute.

See below a click event of a tagged Button example:

        "_beagleType_": "beagle:component:button",
        "text": "Test",
        "clickAnalyticsEvent": {
                "category": "Category",
                "label": "Label",
                "value": "Value"
    text = "Test", 
    clickAnalyticsEvent = ClickEvent(
        category = "Category",
        label = "Label",
        value = "value"
    text: "Test",
    clickAnalyticsEvent: .init(
        category: "Category",
        label: "Label",
        value: "Value"

‌ScreenView option

if you want to tag a screen appearing and disappearing, it is necessary to add a component with the property screenAnalyticsEvent with the following attributes:

  • ScreenName: the name of the screen that will appear.

See below the ScreenView event example, with the tagged screen:

        "_beagleType_": "beagle:component:screencomponent",
        "child": {
                "_beagleType_": "beagle:component:button",
                "text": "Test"
        "screenAnalyticsEvent": {
                "screenName": "ScreenName"
    child = Button("test"),
    screenAnalyticsEvent = ScreenEvent(
        screenName = "ScreenName"
    child: Button(text: "Test"),
    screenAnalyticsEvent: : .init(
        screenName: "ScreenName"

Last modified February 11, 2021: create content (#298) (43225e15)