Beagle Defaults

This framework provides default implementations of a Network client, Cache control and Logger that can be easily embedded and used in your Beagle project.

Cocoapods Cocoapods


Cocoapods installed.

Getting started

It’s recommended for more advanced users of Beagle.

You can add this as a dependency via CocoaPods.

pod 'BeagleDefaults'

After adding BeagleDefaults as a dependency in your project, you can use all the default implementations in your Beagle.dependencies.

All implementations can be changed up to your preferences, this is but a quick Beagle setup for more advanced Beagle users that do not want to implement these configurations to use Beagle.

For more on Beagle: Please check our Beagle repository.
For more on Beagle-Scaffold: Please check our Beagle-Scaffold documentation.

Last modified February 11, 2021: create content (#298) (43225e15)