
This section lists information about the Basis property


This property defines the standard size of an item along the main axis. It could change according to the element caracteristics, which means:

  • If the father element has a Flex value set as: FlexDirection: row.The basis will define the screen width;
  • If the father element has a Flex Value set as: FlexDirection: column.The basis defines the screen height.

How is it used

FlexDirection: row

Here you see the flexDirection: row is used to set the screen width size:

private fun screen() :Widget{
	return Container(
		children = listOf(
			createText(backgroundText = "#142850", text = "1")
                      .setFlex {
                               basis = UnitValue.real(100)
                  createText(backgroundText = "#dd7631", text = "2")
                      .setFlex {
                          basis = UnitValue.real(100)
                  createText(backgroundText = "#649d66", text = "3")
                      .setFlex {
                          basis = UnitValue.real(100)
          ).setFlex {
              flexDirection = FlexDirection.ROW
private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1")
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2")
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3")
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()


FlexDirection Column

Here the flexDirection: column is used to set the screen height size

private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundText = "#142850", text = "1")
                      .setFlex {
                               basis = UnitValue.real(100)
                  createText(backgroundText = "#dd7631", text = "2")
                      .setFlex {
                          basis = UnitValue.real(100)
                  createText(backgroundText = "#649d66", text = "3")
                      .setFlex {
                          basis = UnitValue.real(100)
          ).setFlex {
              flexDirection = FlexDirection.COLUMN
 private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1")
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2")
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3")
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()

Basis with UnitType.AUTO

It is also possible to put UnitValue (0.0, UnitType.AUTO) when using the basis. In this case, the value 0.0 is not relevant, because using UnitType.AUTO the main axis will be adjusted according to the size of the content. Unless a size fixed value is also set for the component in the same direction as the main axis.

private fun screen() :Widget{
	return Container(
		children = listOf(
			createText(backgroundText = "#142850", text = "1")
                      .setFlex {
                               basis = UnitValue(0.0, UnitType.AUTO)
                  createText(backgroundText = "#dd7631", text = "2")
                      .setFlex {
                          basis = UnitValue(0.0, UnitType.AUTO)
                  createText(backgroundText = "#649d66", text = "3")
                      .setFlex {
                          basis = UnitValue(0.0, UnitType.AUTO)
          ).setFlex {
              flexDirection = FlexDirection.ROW

Last modified June 21, 2021: Fix/flex images v1.8 (#647) (38bb7247)