Justify Content

Here, you’ll find lists' information about the Justify Content property

Justify Content

Justify-content defines the alignment of items along the main axis (horizontally) and has the following attributes:flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around and space-Evenly.

Flex Start (Default)

Items are aligned at the beginning of the main axis; lined up at the screen top:

private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundColor = "#142850", text = "texto 1"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#dd7631", text = "texto 2"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#649d66", text = "texto 3")
        ).setFlex {
              grow = 1.0
              justifyContent = JustifyContent.FLEX_START

private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3"),
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()

Flex End

Items are aligned from the end of the main axis; aligned below, at the screen’s bottom:

private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundColor = "#142850", text = "texto 1"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#dd7631", text = "texto 2"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#649d66", text = "texto 3")
        ).setFlex {
              grow = 1.0
              justifyContent = JustifyContent.FLEX_END

 private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3"),
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()


Items are aligned at the center of the main axis; in the center of the screen:

private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundColor = "#142850", text = "texto 1"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#dd7631", text = "texto 2"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#649d66", text = "texto 3")
        ).setFlex {
              grow = 1.0
              justifyContent = JustifyContent.CENTER

   private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3"),
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()

Space Between

The first item is moved to the main axis start, the last one is moved to the main axis end and the rest are evenly distributed making the space between them equal:

private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundColor = "#142850", text = "texto 1"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#dd7631", text = "texto 2"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#649d66", text = "texto 3")
        ).setFlex {
              grow = 1.0
              justifyContent = JustifyContent.SPACE_BETWEEN

 private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3"),
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()

Space Around

Items are evenly distributed along the main axis. Equal margins are assigned at main axis start and end (or left and right, depending on the direction of the main axis). For this reason, the first and last items are not sticked to the edges.

private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundColor = "#142850", text = "texto 1"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#dd7631", text = "texto 2"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#649d66", text = "texto 3")
        ).setFlex {
              grow = 1.0
              justifyContent = JustifyContent.SPACE_AROUND

private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3"),
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()

Space Evenly

Items are evenly distributed along the main axis:

 private fun screen() :Widget{
        return Container(
            children = listOf(
                createText(backgroundColor = "#142850", text = "texto 1"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#dd7631", text = "texto 2"),
                createText(backgroundColor = "#649d66", text = "texto 3")
        ).setFlex {
              grow = 1.0
              justifyContent = JustifyContent.SPACE_EVENLY

 private func screen() -> Screen {
                navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Flex"),
                Container(children: [
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#142850",text: "1"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#dd7631",text: "2"),
                    createText(backgroundColor: "#649d66",text: "3"),
                    ],widgetProperties: WidgetProperties(
                        flex: Flex()

For more information about Justify Content, check out the Yoga Layout documentation.

Last modified June 21, 2021: Fix/flex images v1.8 (#647) (38bb7247)