
You will find here how to make Android’s configuration to install Beagle.


Before you start to configure Beagle for your Android system, it’s important to check out if you have already installed all the current versions of the following programs:

  • JDK 8+ language
  • Android API level: at least 19 or higher
  • Kotlin 1.3+

Step 1: Dependencies' configuration

You have to adjust your repository’s dependencies to receive Beagle. To do so, use the following configuration to download Beagle’s library.

allprojects {
    repositories {

Step 2: Include plugins

Once you made the first configuration, now you have to include the kapt and Beagle’s plugin as dependencies on your dependency manager, as in the example below.

The current release version of Beagle is: Maven Central

plugins {
	id 'kotlin-kapt'

android {
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

ext.beagle_version = "${beagle_version}"

dependencies {
    implementation "$beagle_version"
    kapt "$beagle_version"

Insert the Beagle’s release version on the place of${beagle.version}, in other words, put the Beagle’s version highlighted in blue badge above without the v character.

For example: undefined-ext.beagle.version = "1.8.0"

Next Steps

On this section, you made Beagle’s initial installation on your application!
Now, to keep configuring Beagle:

👉Go to initial configurations to enable the use of Beagle on your Android project.

👉 If you want to go straight to practice, access our tutorial to create a project from scratch.

Last modified June 2, 2021: adjust tutorial android (#600) (ef14f808)