Beagle Defaults

Here you will find the Beagle-Defaults library to help you start a project using Beagle in Android. This lib will hold just a few classes necessary to configure and add Beagle into an Android project.

Maven Central Maven Central


Before you start to configure Beagle for your Android system, it’s important to check out if you have installed all the current versions of the following programs: ‌

  • JDK 8+ language
  • Android API level: at least 19 or higher
  • Kotlin 1.3+

Getting started

This tutorial will configure Beagle from the Start.

Step 1: Add a configuration on the Gradle file in your project:

  • Add mavenCentral() into the All projects block on your Project Gradle file(build.gradle)
allprojects {
    repositories {

Step 2: Add kotlin kapt plugin and 3 dependencies on your application dependency manager (gradle.gradle)

Maven Central Maven Central

  • The version numbers listed below may have been updated. Please check the actual versions on the tags above:
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

android {
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    implementation ""
    kapt ""
    implementation ""

Step 3: Create 4 configurations files for Beagle.

  • These files will set a few configurations and classes used by Beagle.
    • if you need a more detailed information check our documentation

a) Create an AppBeagleConfig file:

class AppBeagleConfig: BeagleConfig {
    override val environment: Environment = Environment.DEBUG
    override val baseUrl: String = ""
    override val isLoggingEnabled: Boolean = true
    override val cache: Cache = Cache(
        enabled = false,
        maxAge = 300,
        size = 15

b) Create an HttpApp file as listed below. This class extends from an ´HttpClientDefault()´ class at the Beagle-Default lib:

class HttpApp: HttpClientDefault()

c) Create a CacheApp file as listed below. This class extends from an ´StoreHandlerDefault()´ class at the Beagle-Default lib:

class CacheApp : StoreHandlerDefault(AppApplication.APPLICATION!!)

d) Create a LoggerApp file as listed below. This class extends from a ´BeagleLoggerDefault()´ class at the Beagle-Default lib:

class LoggerApp: BeagleLoggerDefault()

Step 4: Build your project: When building this application the config above will setup Beagle in your project.
Step 5: Create an AppAplication file as the example below:

class AppApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        APPLICATION = this


    companion object {
        var APPLICATION: Application? = null

Step 6: Test your application
To test it you just need to call a screen from our BFF sample.
To do that you need to start an activity using the configuration below:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val intent = this.newServerDrivenIntent<ServerDrivenActivity>(ScreenRequest("/components"))

A sample screen with all Beagle components will show on your emulator screen

For more on Beagle: Please check our Beagle repository.
For more on Beagle-Scaffold: Please check our Beagle-Scaffold documentation.