Custom Widget

You will find here an example on how to create a component and a customized widget


Beagle already has basic widgets you can use to create interface components of your server-driven application.

However, your application may need more customized components (Custom Views), and to make them ‘visible’ to Beagle, you have to create a customized widget. You can create many new components you want, since it makes your application’s Views, ‘visible’ to Beagle.


You will find here an example on how to create a component and a customized widget

Simple Custom Widget

Here you will learn how to create and use a widget in Beagle

Oninit Custom Widget

Creating a custom widget with onInit

ServerDrivenComponent Custom Widget

Creating a custom widget with ServerDrivenComponent

OnChange Custom Widget

Creating a custom widget with onChange

Last modified February 11, 2021: create content (#298) (43225e15)