
In this section, you will find information on how to configure Beagle Flutter.


The method BeagleSdk.init is the entry point to Beagle Flutter and the receiver of all configurations it handles. By default, basic implementations are already provided for some of its parameters, so it’s not necessary to configure all of them.

What is configurable?

These are all the configuration options that Beagle Flutter supports:

  1. environment
  2. baseUrl
  3. httpClient
  4. components
  5. storage
  6. useBeagleHeaders
  7. actions
  8. strategy
  9. navigationControllers
  10. designSystem
  11. imageDownloader
  12. logger
  13. operations

Check out below how to configure each one:

1. environment

This attribute informs Beagle about the current build status of the application. This property is used in BeagleUndefinedWidget.

  • It shows a Text with Undefined Component description when the environment is BeagleEnvironment.debug.
  • It shows a SizedBox.shrink when BeagleEnvironment.production.

The default is BeagleEnvironment.debug.

enum BeagleEnvironment {
  /// The debug mode has much more information available so that the debugging
  /// software can further help the programmer to debug their code.

  /// Production mode provides more information about the software.

2. baseUrl

It informs the base URL used on Beagle in the application.

The requests made by BeagleWidget and navigation actions uses the baseUrl property to build their paths. The default is empty string. In the example below, the resulting request will be

  baseUrl: '',

  screenRequest: BeagleScreenRequest('test'),

3. httpClient

A interface that provides a client so Beagle can make the requests.

The default is DefaultHttpClient. This is a key component to Beagle, because it’s used in every request. See below the HttpClient contract:

abstract class HttpClient {
  Future<Response> sendRequest(BeagleRequest req);

4. components

Provides a struct where the key is the _beagleComponent_ property in JSON and the value is the widget that Beagle should render.

If you want to use a list of common widgets with basic implementation:

  • Use the beagle_components package in your project.

The default is empty map. Here is a example of a component declaration:

Map<String, ComponentBuilder> myComponent = {
  'custom:loading': (element, _, __) {
    return Center(
      key: element.getKey(),
      child: const Text('My Component'),

5. storage

It handles the cache for Beagle’s requests. The default is DefaultStorage.

To avoid vulnerability issues, the default implementation stores information only in the memory, see below:

class DefaultStorage implements Storage {
  Map<String, String> storage = {};

  Future<void> clear() async {

  Future<String> getItem(String key) async {
    return storage[key];

  Future<void> removeItem(String key) async {

  Future<void> setItem(String key, String value) async {
    storage[key] = value;

6. useBeagleHeaders

Whether or not to send specific Beagle headers in the requests to fetch a widget. The default is true.

7. actions

This is the map of custom actions. The key must be a _beagleAction_ identifier in the JSON and the value must be the action handler. The default is defaultActions map. See below a declaration of this property:

Map<String, ActionHandler> myAction = {
  'custom:log': ({action, _, __, ___}) {

8. strategy

This property tells Beagle how to handle the cache requests. There are seven caching strategies that Beagle implements. The default is BeagleNetworkStrategy.beagleWithFallbackToCache. Check out below all of them:

enum BeagleNetworkStrategy {

9. navigationControllers

These are the options for visual feedback when navigating from a widget to another.

To set the default options:

  • Use isDefault: true in the navigation controller.

The default is an empty map. Check out below the declaration of a custom NavigationController:

Map<String, NavigationController> myController = {
  'general': NavigationController(
    isDefault: true,
    loadingComponent: 'custom:loading',

10. designSystem

An interface that provides a design system to Beagle components. This one makes available to Beagle images and styles to buttons and texts in Beagle. Default is DefaultEmptyDesignSystem, that doesn’t return any value. Check out the BeagleDesignSystem contract:

abstract class BeagleDesignSystem {

  String image(String id);

  BeagleButtonStyle buttonStyle(String id);

  TextStyle textStyle(String id);

11. imageDownloader

An interface that provides image resources from network. This must implement the downloadImage method that receives the image URL and returns a Future<Uint8List> as the image. The default is DefaultBeagleImageDownloader.

class DefaultBeagleImageDownloader implements BeagleImageDownloader {
    @required this.httpClient,
  }) : assert(httpClient != null);

  final HttpClient httpClient;

  Future<Uint8List> downloadImage(String url) async {
    final request = BeagleRequest(url);
    final response = await httpClient.sendRequest(request);

    if (response.status != HttpStatus.ok) {
      throw BeagleImageDownloaderException(
          statusCode: response.status, url: request.url);

    final bytes = response.bodyBytes;
    if (bytes.lengthInBytes == 0) {
      throw Exception('Image is an empty file: $url');

    return bytes;

12. logger

An interface that provides logger for Beagle to use in the application. The default is DefaultEmptyLogger that doesn’t log any information. See the BeagleLogger contract:

abstract class BeagleLogger {
  void warning(String message);

  void error(String message);

  void errorWithException(String message, Exception exception);

  void info(String message);

13. operations

A map of custom operations that can be used to extend the capability of Beagle’s expressions and they are called like functions, e.g. @{sum(1, 2)}. The default is empty map.