Beagle for Web

You will find here the main classes that are part of Beagle’s framework for Web.

You will find here the main class that are part of Beagle’s framework for Web.

Advanced topics

Advanced topics for Beagle-Web

Customized Actions

You will find here which actions can be customized on Beagle for Web

Custom Component

You will find the description on how to create a customized component for Angular and React

Cache strategy

You will find here the cache strategies types description on the Web

Standard headers

Here you will find the default headers' description and how to disable them

Loading components and error treatment

See how to change the error and loading components

Remote view parameters

Beagle Service Parameter

You will find here, what are the Beagle Service parameters.

Last modified February 11, 2021: create content (#298) (43225e15)