Navigation Animation

In this section, you will find information about how it is possible to customize Beagle’s navigation screen.


Beagle has a screen navigation tool that allows you to configure actions like navigate to a new screen or close one.

Besides these configuration, you can also customize the navigation of your application.

There are two customization options:

  1. According to Android’s default animation;
  2. Fragments transition provided by Beagle, that it can be customized according to your preference and design system. They are:

Protocol and customized

Beagle’s default protocol for customization is to use a native Android tool, to make fragment transition to customize your animation.

The other way to customize an animation is the transition through the BeagleActivity class implementation, which Beagle uses the getFragmentTransitionAnimation() method.

In case this method it isn’t implemented and customized, the transitions will follow Beagle’s default animation. The code below shows the BeagleActivity method, that can be overwritten this way:

open fun getFragmentTransitionAnimation() = FragmentTransitionAnimation(
    enter =  R.anim.slide_from_right,
    exit = R.anim.none_animation,
    popEnter = R.anim.none_animation,
    popExit = R.anim.slide_to_right

Last modified September 17, 2021: Reviewed Android section (#773) (e4c75e98)