
In this section, you will find information about Interface RootView holder the reference of activity or fragment.


The RootView interface holds the reference of an activity or fragment. Through the interface methods, you have a reference to context, life cycle, ViewModelStore and parent view Id.

RootView is available as an attribute in the ViewConvertable and Action interfaces:

interface RootView {
    fun getContext(): Context

    fun getLifecycleOwner(): LifecycleOwner

    fun getViewModelStoreOwner(): ViewModelStoreOwner

    fun getParentId(): Int


Returns the context:

fun getContext(): Context


Returns the lifecycle:

fun getLifecycleOwner(): LifecycleOwner


Returns a ViewModelStore for activity and fragment:

fun getViewModelStoreOwner(): ViewModelStoreOwner


Returns the id of the parent View that encapsulates all rendered content:

fun getParentId(): Int


The ActivityRootView class is responsible for keeping the Activity reference of which a loadView method is called:

class ActivityRootView(
    val activity: AppCompatActivity,
    private val parentId: Int
) : RootView {

    override fun getContext(): Context = activity

    override fun getLifecycleOwner(): LifecycleOwner = activity

    override fun getViewModelStoreOwner(): ViewModelStoreOwner = activity

    override fun getParentId(): Int = parentId
activityAppCompatActivityReceives the instance of an activity.
parentIdIntView id.


The FragmentRootView class is responsible for keeping the Fragment reference of which a loadView method is called:

class FragmentRootView(
    val fragment: Fragment,
    private val parentId: Int
) : RootView {

    override fun getContext(): Context = fragment.requireContext()

    override fun getLifecycleOwner(): LifecycleOwner = fragment.viewLifecycleOwner

    override fun getViewModelStoreOwner(): ViewModelStoreOwner = fragment

    override fun getParentId(): Int = parentId
fragmentFragmentReceives the instance of an fragment.
parentIdIntView id.

Last modified September 17, 2021: Reviewed Android section (#773) (e4c75e98)