
Here you will find the complete description of Operations.

What is it?

Operations allow you to create more complex screens through your backend and with basic operations like addition, equals, etc. This way, the components don’t need this kind of logic inside them.

How to use it?

The operations can be used when you want to modify the values of a component through logic and operations in a different moment from the one it received the components with the JSON.

On Beagle, you have some default operators and you can also create your own.

See below all the operators available on Beagle:

Arithmetic operator

Here you will find the complete description of arithmetic operator.

Logic operator

Comparison operator

You will find here the description of comparison operator

How to register a new operation

You will find here how to register a new operation.

String manipulation operator

You will find here the description of string manipulation operator

Array Operation

Operation description to manipulate Arrays.

Other operators

You will find a description of other operators.