Beagle Theme

In this section, you will find information on how to create and use your own theme for the Beagle components in Flutter.

What is the BeagleTheme

The BeagleTheme is a configuration class for the default components of Beagle (package beagle_components). It is responsible for creating themes for the components Button, Text and Screen (navigation bar) and also for providing local image resources for the component Image.

A theme is a set of styles that can be referenced by the property styleId of the component. A button that comes with the styleId “primary”, for instance, will use the ButtonStyle returned by beagleTheme.buttonStyle('primary').

The local image resources are strings with the paths to every image that can be accessed by the server driven view with the parameter mobileId of the Image component. If an image comes with the mobileId “logo”, for instance, it would use the image path returned by beagleTheme.image('logo').

How to use the BeagleTheme?

The BeagleTheme is not a feature of the core Beagle library, but instead, it’s from the package beagle_components. For this reason, differently than most configuration options, it doesn’t do into the BeagleService. The BeagleTheme must be provided to the default components via the widget BeagleThemeProvider.

The BeagleThemeProvider must wrap the application to prevent cases where a navigation would make it unavailable. See the example below:

  1. Create a class that implements the BeagleTheme interface;
  2. Provide an instance of the class to the BeagleThemeProvider, that should wrap your application.
void main() {
    beagle: beagleService,
    child: BeagleThemeProvider(
      theme: MyTheme(),
      child: MyApp()

Local images

The method image receives the image id that comes from the JSON (mobileId) and returns the corresponding local image asset path. Check out the following example:

class MyTheme extends BeagleTheme {
  final Map<String, String> imageMap = {
    'bus': 'images/bus.png',
    'car': 'images/car.png',
    'person': 'images/person.png',

  String image(String id) {
    return imageMap[id] ?? '';

  // ...

Button style

The method buttonStyle receives the styleId that comes from the JSON and returns the corresponding ButtonStyle. Example:

class MyTheme extends BeagleTheme {
  final Map<String, ButtonStyle> buttonStyles = {
    'primary': ButtonStyle(
      backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(,
      foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(HexColor(,
    'secondary': ButtonStyle(
      backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all<Color>(Colors.greenAccent),
      foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(HexColor(,

  ButtonStyle buttonStyle(String id) {
    return buttonMap[id] ?? ButtonStyle();

  // ...

Text style

The method textStyle receives the styleId that comes from the JSON and returns the corresponding TextStyle. Check out an implementation:

class MyTheme extends BeagleTheme {
  final Map<String, TextStyle> textMap = {
    'h1': TextStyle(
      fontSize: 22,
    'h2': TextStyle(
      fontSize: 18,

  TextStyle textStyle(String id) {
    return textMap[id] ?? TextStyle();

  // ...