
In this section, you will find information on how to use the Logger in Beagle Flutter.


Beagle produces many logs, but how they are showed is up to you. The default logging mechanism (DefaultLogger) prints all messages to the console with the name “BeagleSDK” using the method log from dart:developer.

The logging behavior can be changed by implementing the interface BeagleLogger and passing it to the BeagleService. The interface has four methods: warning, error, errorWithException and info, which represents all levels of logs created by Beagle.

Creating a custom logger

See the example below:

class SilentLogger extends BeagleLogger {
  void warning(String message) {}

  void error(String message) {}

  void errorWithException(String message, Exception exception) {}

  void info(String message) {}

The example above is very simple, but quite useful. It can be used to disable all logging. Another good example would be a logger that sends every error to a backend, where it can be analyzed by the developers.

Registering the new logger

To register the new logger you just need to provide it to the BeagleService:

final beagleService = BeagleService(
  logger: SilentLogger(),
  // ...

Last modified January 31, 2022: feature: beagle orange (#837) (a117de55)