Log System

What is it?

Beagle uses the unified log system recommended by Apple, to provide different log messages in critical stages of a server driven flow.

The log messages provided for Beagle iOS can be access through:

  • Xcode console and
  • Application console

They are divided in 4 categories:

  1. Network: related to the network layer, information and error messages for each request, response and network URL construction.
  2. Decoding: displays messages every time a parse error occurs.
  3. Navigation: informative messages that describes the navigations inside the server driven flow and possible errors may occur.
  4. Form: related to forms.

It is possible to disable the triggered log messages. Beagle will not call the Log’s API, even if it is default or customized. You will need to change the attribute isLoggingEnabled of BeagleDependencies to false.

The log messages can be filtered using these categories names and the application main package identifier as a subsystems.

Instructions to filter log messages

Follow the steps below to filter the log messages:

Step 1: open Console App;

Step 2: select device on the Devices menu;

Step 3: insert the filters in the search bar, search only for log messages with the Network category in the subsystem br.com.zup.BeagleDemoApp

Step 4: when you open the BeagleDemo application, you will see two log messages with the network category, one will show that Beagle made a request and the other indicating the response.

Step 5: error messages will be displayed with a yellow dot in the field Type, as showed below:

Step 6: to select the second log message received with a Network filter, you will see a verbosa version of this response.

Step 7: the body of the response contains the server-driven screen and all its attributes and specifications can be accessed.


In order to let Beagle’s environment open to modifications, the default API logs can be replaced by any other. THe next steps explains how to replace the API’s logs:

Step 1: implement BeagleLoggerType protocol on the class you want to use as the log API. You will see that it is necessary to implement the methods:

  • log(_ log: LogType) and
  • logDecodingError(type: String)

These are internally called by Beagle when a message needs to be triggered We have listed an example below:

class CustomLogger: BeagleLoggerType {
    func log(_ log: LogType) {
    func logDecodingError(type: String) {

Step 2: Go to your project Beagle’s configuration and assign a class' instance to logger dependency on the BeagleDependencies:

let dependencies = BeagleDependencies()
dependencies.logger = CustomLogger()
Beagle.dependencies = dependencies


Its responsibility is only to forward calls to the user’s class if Beagle.dependencies.isLogginEnabled is true, otherwise it won’t pass the message. This property is public to allow access to the user’s custom class via the code below:

(Beagle.dependencies.logger as? BeagleLoggerProxy)?.logger

Last modified March 10, 2022: feat: Translate docs 2.0 (#868) (4aa7430c)