Arrays manipulation operator

In this section, you will find information about arrays manipulation operators.

What are they?

Check out below:

insertinsert(expressionOf("@{array}), constant(5))The operator receives two inputs where the first parameter is an array and the second is the element you want to insert in this array.
removeremove(expressionOf("@{array}), constant(1))The operator receives two inputs where the first parameter is an array and the second element you want to remove this array.
removeIndexremoveIndex<Int>(expressionOf("@{array}"), constant(2))The operator receives two inputs where the first parameter is an array and the second index of the element you want to remove this array.
containscontains(expressionOf("@{array}"), constant(0))The operator receives two inputs where the first parameter is an array and the second is the element you want to verify if it contains in the array.
unionunion <Number> expressionOf("@{context.array1}"), expressionOf("@{context.array2}")The operator receives two arrays and the une, both parameters Bind<Array<I>>


The example below shows a screen where a context with numbersArray Id was declared with the value [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],. This context is used in the operation removeIndex in the Text component text and it removes the index element 2.

fun screen() = Screen(
  child = Container(
            context = ContextData(id = "numbersArray", value = arrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)),
            children = listOf(
                Text(constant("Array was [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and after removing index 2 now is: ")),
                    children = listOf(
                        Text(removeIndex<Int>(expressionOf("@{numbersArray}"), constant(2)).toBindString())
                ).setStyle { backgroundColor = constant("#00FF00") }