
In this section, you will find the information about Operations using Beagle’s DSL.

What is it?

The operations allow you to create applications with complex screens through your backend with basic operations like:

  • Conditionals
  • Sum
  • Equal
  • And others The advantage is the components don’t need this kind of logic in them.

How can you use it?

The operations are used when you want to modify values of a component through logic and operations and in a different way from the one that you have received the components with JSON.

Beagle has some default patterns and you can create your own operations.

Methods usage

When you use the operators with the DSL, it is necessary to understand the use of the following methods:

1. constant: This method is used when the operations are Bind.Value type.

2. expressionOf: This method is used when the operations are Bind.Expression type.

3. toBindString: This is a Beagle component, it is necessary to add this method after the component to make the operation’s conversion to string’s Bind type.

Exemplo: Text(sum(constant(1), constant(2)).toBindString())

4. plus: This method is used to write a text followed by an operation.

5. createOperation: Through this method it is possible to create custom operations.

Example: Text(constant("Sum of 2 + 1 = ").plus(sum(constant(2), constant(1)).toBindString())) ou Text(constant("Sum of 2 + 1 = ") + (sum(constant(2), constant(1)).toBindString()))

Check out below all the default patterns Beagle offers: