Custom Beagle Activity

In this section, you will find how to use BeagleActivity to customize your server-driven activity.


BeagleActivity is a class that helps you manage where your server-driven components will be placed. Its structure works like an Android activity.

In order to Beagle understand that you’re working with an BeagleActivity’s class, it’s necessary to use @RegisterController annotation and implement their respective methods.

What is customizable?

When it comes to a Beagle Activity, there are some custom components:

  1. Layout xml
  2. Toolbar
  3. Handling error
  4. ProgressBar

Check out below how to customize a Beagle Activity:

class SampleServerDrivenActivity : BeagleActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun getToolbar(): Toolbar {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

    override fun getServerDrivenContainerId(): Int {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

    override fun onServerDrivenContainerStateChanged(state: ServerDrivenState) {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

1. Layout xml

A xml layout file is where you host the screen component’s structure, just like in an Android Activity. Even if you’re using Beagle to send your screen structure through server-driven, it is still important to create the xml file to receive this content.

See below an example of an activity xml layout:


        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


            android:layout_height="match_parent" />




For the server-driven content, the xml layout needs a frame layout to load this content.

In the getServerDrivenContainerId()method, you must return the frame layout id.

override fun getServerDrivenContainerId(): Int =

2. Toolbar

You can create a Toolbar and apply in your activity using the getToolbar(). In this method, you must return your Toolbar.

override fun getToolbar(): Toolbar = findViewById<Toolbar>(

3. Handling error

You can watch the state and treat the errors from onServerDrivenContainerStateChanged()

You can observe a server-driven activity status and handle errors using the function onServerDrivenContainerStateChanged(). This function has as parameter that indicates the status of a server-driven activity, and when any error occurs, the state ServerDrivenState.Error will be received at this function:

override fun onServerDrivenContainerStateChanged(state: ServerDrivenState) {
     if (state is ServerDrivenState.Error) {
          //Your error's treatment 

4. ProgressBar

Like when you handled errors, you can check if the server-driven container status is Started or Finished and thus define the visibility of a ProgressBar. When the activity loading starts, the onServerDrivenContainerStateChanged function receives the ServerDrivenState.Started parameter (which represents the activity status). Likewise, when the loading ends without errors, the ServerDrivenState.Finished parameter is received. You can check below how you can use these two states to change the progress bar visibility:

override fun onServerDrivenContainerStateChanged(state: ServerDrivenState) {
    when (state) {
        is ServerDrivenState.Started -> {
            progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE

        is ServerDrivenState.Finished -> {
            progressBar.visibility = View.GONE

Last modified September 17, 2021: Reviewed Android section (#773) (e4c75e98)