Customized Serializer Deserializer

In this section, you will find information on how to create a Serializer / Deserializer using Beagle and details of the methods it implements.

Serializer / Deserializer


Beagle offers a customized serializer/deserializer set through a BeagleTypeAdapter interface. With this Adapter it is possible to map any class, including classes that represent concrete types, such as the Integer class. You can see the interface contract below:

interface BeagleTypeAdapter<T> {
    fun fromJson(json: String) : T
    fun toJson(type: T) : String


This example creates an adapter for the Person interface that is extended from the data class PersonImpl that has only a name attribute as a String type.

In order to create an adapter you must:

  1. Create a class that will be your adapter and annotate it with the keyword RegisterBeagleAdapter. In this example we named this class as PersonAdapter ;
  2. Declare a class you want to map with this adapter. Here, PersonImpl data class is implemented as an example.;
  3. Extend the adapter (PersonAdapter) class from the BeagleTypeAdapter Interface, informing the class to be mapped on;
  4. When extending the interface you must implement the fromJson and toJson methods. Check out the example below:
interface Person

data class PersonImpl(val name: String) : Person

class PersonAdapter : BeagleTypeAdapter<Person> {

    override fun fromJson(json: String): Person {
        val rootObject = JSONObject(json)
        return PersonImpl(rootObject.getString(KEY))

    override fun toJson(type: Person): String {
        type as PersonImpl
        val rootObject = JSONObject()
        return rootObject.toString()


You can call the BeagleJsonSerializationFactory to delegate the responsability to serialize/deserialize beagle components of your custom types.


private const val KEY_NAME = "name"
interface Person {
    val name: Text // This attribute should be serialized/deserialized by the Beagle platform
data class PersonImpl(override val name: Text) : Person

class PersonAdapter(private val serializer: BeagleJsonSerializer = BeagleJsonSerializerFactory.serializer) :
    BeagleTypeAdapter<Person> {

    override fun fromJson(json: String): Person {
        val rootObject = JSONObject(json)
        val nameJsonObject = rootObject.getJSONObject(KEY_NAME)
        val text = serializer.deserializeComponent(nameJsonObject.toString())
        return PersonImpl(name = text as Text)

    override fun toJson(type: Person): String {
        val rootObject = JSONObject()
        rootObject.put(KEY_NAME, serializer.serializeComponent(
        return rootObject.toString()


data class TextWithPersonName(
    val person: Person,
) : WidgetView() {
    override fun buildView(rootView: RootView): TextView = TextView(rootView.getContext()).also {
        observeBindChanges(rootView, it, { personName ->
            it.text = personName

FromJson method

This method takes a JSONObject as a string and returns an instance of the mapped class (Person).

ToJson method

This method takes the mapped data type (Person) and returns a JSONObject as a string.