How to release a Beagle's version local or remote

In this section, you will find how to release a version of Beagle locally or using a separate repository.

Configuring Gradle

If you work on Android or Backend’s applications, you must configure the files that can be found in the root folder. This configuration works on remote and local versions.

Follow the steps:

Step 1: Open the file; Step 2: Change the version name that will be released. Change the VERSION_NAME variable value to the value you wish.

Besides, you have to add a variable called RELEASE_SIGNING_ENABLED and attribute it to the false value. You don’t need to sign a version, once that this configuration allows a Beagle’s version release in local way or to an own repository.

After you finish these configurations, you must have on your gradel the following variables according to the name you chose to your version (on this example, beagle-test is used): (root platform)


Publishing in a remote repository

At the end of the configuration, you have to configure a file that is on Beagle’s root folder, in this case, the maven-publish.gradle. On this file, add a target that will define:

  • In which repository the version will be released.
  • The necessary credentials to access this repository.
releaseRepositoryUrlRepository’s URL where the version will be released.
repositoryUsernameUser name.
repositoryPasswordPassword of the declared user name.

Check out below a publishing example:

maven-publish.gradle (root project)

apply plugin: "com.vanniktech.maven.publish"

def versionName = System.env.VERSION_DEPLOY != null ? System.env.VERSION_DEPLOY : VERSION_NAME ?: ""

version = versionName

mavenPublish {
nexus {
    		stagingProfile = ""
	targets {
    		uploadArchives {    
        	releaseRepositoryUrl = ""
        	repositoryUsername = "username"
        	repositoryPassword = "password"

Publish in a local repository

At the end of the configuration, you must run some gradle’s commands:

  1. Go to the root folder on the platform you wish to release the version (Android or Backend);

  2. In the terminal of your preference, run the following command:

  • If you’re using a Windows terminal:
gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
  • In case you’re using another terminal:
./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal

After you run the command, the version will be automatically released.

Last modified September 17, 2021: Reviewed Android section (#773) (e4c75e98)