Custom Action

This sections lists how to create and trigger a custom action

Requirements: -You need a project already set up with Beagle.

Step 1: What is an action

In Beagle, an action deals with the behaviors (functions) that will be executed in your application as soon as a certain event is triggered. These actions can be Beagle’s own standard or custom actions.

Standard beagle actions: Action types.

Step 2: How to create a custom action:

To create a custom action, follow these steps:

  1. Create a struct that implements the interface Action.

  2. After that, the interface will ask for the execute method to be implemented. It is in this method that the code block that your action will execute must be implemented.

struct CustomAction: Action {
    func execute(controller: BeagleController, origin: UIView) {
            print("Logic of your action.")

As an action logic, let’s create an alert. Below is an example of the alert.

let alert = UIAlertController(
        title: nil,
        message: "",
        preferredStyle: .alert

controller.present(alert, animated: true)

Now we add the action logic inside the execute method. Finally, just create the parameter to receive the alert message, and the init of the struct.

struct CustomAction: Action {

    var message: String

    init(message: String? = nil) {
        self.message = message

    func execute(controller: BeagleController, origin: UIView) {
        let alert = UIAlertController(
        title: nil,
        message: message
        preferredStyle: .alert 

        controller.present(alert, animated: true)

Step 3: How to Register an Action.

Finally, we need to register our custom action on Beagle.

Therefore, to register it on Beagle, just call the register function from Coder (a Beagle’s public dependency) into the Beagle environment configuration process.

The register method is overloaded by two different arguments (action and named). You can call it to receives just the action param or to receives the action and named params.

action: Action type.

named: Parameter to set the action name. It is not mandatory to inform it, however, you might need it when the component name is registered differently than what you created in the backend. In this case, the parameter will be used in deserializations to find your action.

Ways to Register

1º The first way to register.

coder.register(action: CustomAction.self)

2º The second way to register.

coder.register(action: CustomAction.self, named: "CustomAction")

After registering your customization component, you can use it via server-driven.