Deeplink Handler

In this section, you will find information about Beagle’s deeplink handler for iOS.


Beagle performs all its navigations from the deepLinkHandler dependency of type DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol, that is present in BeagleDependencies.

The DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol has a method called getNativeScreen that returns a UIViewController from a given path of type String. It is also possible to pass additional data through a dictionary of the type [String: String].

public protocol DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol {
    func getNativeScreen(with path: String, data: [String: String]?) throws -> UIViewController


To use the DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create a class inherited from DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol

You have to create a class we’ll call DeeplinkScreenManager that will conform to the DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol.

final class DeeplinkScreenManager: DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol {
    func getNativeScreen(with path: String, data: [String: String]?) throws -> UIViewController {

Step 2: Create a DeeplinkScreen protocol

Now, you have to create a protocol called DeeplinkScreen, each screen is where you will need to use the deeplink for navigation according to this protocol.

The protocol has two main methods:

  • init(path: String, data: [String: String]?): a simple initialization method
  • func screenController() -> UIViewController: the method which will return the UIViewController where you will navigate

protocol DeeplinkScreen {
    init(path: String, data: [String: String]?)
    func screenController() -> UIViewController

Step 3: Implement the DeeplinkScreenManager class

You will see below the complete example of the class created and that inherits from DeepLinkScreenManaging. In it, a dictionary was created with String as a key and a value of DeeplinkScreen.Type. A subscript method was also created to facilitate the access to the dictionary elements.

In the getNativeScreen method, you have to check if there is a screen with the given path and if so, return the UIViewController related to it. Otherwise, it will throw a NSError.

final class DeeplinkScreenManager: DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol {
    public static let shared = DeeplinkScreenManager()
    private var screens: [String: DeeplinkScreen.Type] = [:]
    public subscript(path: String) -> DeeplinkScreen.Type? {
        get {
            return screens[path]
        set {
            screens[path] = newValue
    func getNativeScreen(with path: String, data: [String: String]?) throws -> UIViewController {
        guard let screenType = self[path] else {
            throw NSError(domain: "DeeplinkScreenManager", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
        return screenType.init(path: path, data: data).screenController()

Step 4: Create a DeeplinkScreen

Create a screen that will inherit from the DeeplinkScreen protocol, in it you will have a method called screenController that it is used in the DeeplinkScreenManager class to connect the paths to the UIViewControllers that it will perform the deeplink navigations.

struct TextScreen: DeeplinkScreen {
    init(path: String, data: [String: String]?) {}
    func screenController() -> UIViewController {
        return BeagleScreenViewController(.declarative(screen))
    var screen: Screen {
        return Screen(
            navigationBar: NavigationBar(title: "Text Screen", showBackButton: true),
            child: Text("Beagle")

Step 5: Assign the dependencies

On AppDelegate or on Beagle’s configuration environment, assing the instance of DeeplinkScreenManager to the deepLinkHandler attribute that it’s on Beagle Dependencies:

let dependencies = BeagleDependencies()
let deepLinkHandler = DeeplinkScreenManager.shared
deepLinkHandler["path"] = YouScreen.self
dependencies.deepLinkHandler = deepLinkHandler
BeagleConfigurator.setup(dependencies: dependencies)

Done! Now, Beagle will use your class with all the changes and definitions needed to perform your Deeplink navigations.