Multiple configurations

On this section, you’ll find the step by step on how to work with multiple configurations

What is it?

The Beagle Multiple Configurations is a way to start a beagle instance for the current server driven flow using a unique beagle configuration. So you can hold several instances (configurations) across your application.

Configuring Multiple Instances of Beagle

You will see below how to configure your application for this feature.

Defining a configuration

To define a new configuration you need to create a BeagleDependenciesFactory object and customize the dependencies you want.

In this step you can configure all dependencies that is also supported in BeagleDependencies

The properties in BeagleDependenciesFactory receive a Factory of the type needed:

public struct Factory<T> {
    var create: (DependenciesContainerResolving) -> T
    public init(_ createBlock: @escaping (DependenciesContainerResolving) -> T) {
        self.create = createBlock

This factory has a closure create that will be used while configuring the dependencies. This closure receives the DependenciesContainerResolving for inner dependency resolving.

As an example, we can see below a configuration for the networkClient, analyticsProvider and logger:

var dependencies = BeagleDependenciesFactory()
dependencies.networkClient = Factory { resolver in
dependencies.theme = Factory { _ in
dependencies.urlBuilder = Factory { _ in
    UrlBuilder(baseUrl: URL(string: .baseURL))
dependencies.analyticsProvider = Factory { _ in
dependencies.logger = Factory { _ in

For the NetworkClientDefault implementation we have:

public class NetworkClientDefault: NetworkClientProtocol {

    @OptionalInjected var logger: LoggerProtocol?
    init(_ resolver: DependenciesContainerResolving) {
        _logger = OptionalInjected(resolver)

    // your implementation here

Acessing dependencies

To access the new dependencies created you can instantiate a BeagleConfiguration and access the dependencies through the dependencies property:

public class BeagleConfiguration {
    public init(dependencies: BeagleDependenciesFactory)
    public var dependencies: BeagleEnviromentProtocol

public protocol BeagleEnviromentProtocol {
    var coder: CoderProtocol { get }
    var navigator: NavigationProtocol { get }
    var operationsProvider: OperationsProviderProtocol { get }
    var logger: LoggerProtocol { get }
    var globalContext: GlobalContextProtocol { get }

You can register new components, operations, actions, navigationController:

let configuration = BeagleConfiguration(dependencies: dependencies)

// custom components and actions
configuration.dependencies.coder.register(type: CustomText.self, named: "custom-text")
configuration.dependencies.coder.register(type: CustomAction.self, named: "custom-action")

// custom operation
configuration.dependencies.operationsProvider.register(operationId: "sum", handler: sumHandler)

// custom navigation
configuration.dependencies.navigator.registerNavigationController(builder: CustomBeagleNavigationController.init, forId: "CustomBeagleNavigation")

Configuring a beagle entry point to use the new configuration

To create a new entry-point with a configuration you can pass the config via initializer:

  • BeagleScreenViewController(_:controllerId:config:)
  • BeagleView(_:config:beagleViewStateObserver:)

Example of a full configuration:

// in you AppDelegate

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

    // Defining a configuration
    var dependencies = BeagleDependenciesFactory()
    dependencies.networkClient = Factory { resolver in
    dependencies.logger = Factory { _ in
    // Acessing dependencies
    let configuration = BeagleConfiguration(dependencies: dependencies)
    configuration.dependencies.coder.register(type: CustomText.self, named: "custom-text")

    // Configuring a beagle entry point
    window?.rootViewController = BeagleScreenViewController(ScreenType.Remote(url: "endpoint"), config: configuration)

    // you can define other configurations and instantiate other BeagleSreenViewController
    return true