Network Layer

You will find here information about Beagles’s network layer and how to modify it.


Beagle makes all network requests through the networkClient dependency, which is present in the BeagleDependencies of type NetworkClientProtocol. This allows developers to create their own network layer implementation to be used by the framework.

Now you can:

  • Unify the network layer in one module;
  • Modify some properties like request headers, request methods, body response, data response, run cryptography, etc.
public protocol NetworkClientProtocol {
    typealias Error = NetworkError
    typealias NetworkResult = Result<NetworkResponse, NetworkError>
    typealias RequestCompletion = (NetworkResult) -> Void

    func executeRequest(
        _ request: Request,
        completion: @escaping RequestCompletion
    ) -> RequestToken?
requestRequestContains the data necessary to make a request.
completionRequestCompletionblock that must be called in the end of the function execution, passing the request result.

Besides that, the function can return the RequestToken, in order to make the request be able to be canceled internally by Beagle.


urlURLContains the url of the request.
additionalDataHttpAdditionalDataContains the additional data for a request. (ex: headers)


methodStringReceives the type of the request, the default is “GET”.
headers[String: String]Contains the headers for the requests.
bodyDynamicObjectContains the body of the request.

Creating a Network layer

To customize your NetworkClient protocol, see the steps below:

Step 1: Implement the NetworkClientProtocol

Implement the NetworkClientProtocol in the class you want to use to make requests, in this case, the CustomNetworkClient will be used, like the example below:

class CustomNetworkClient: NetworkClient {
    func executeRequest(
        _ request: Request, 
        completion: @escaping RequestCompletion
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        let url: URL = request.url
        let requestType = request.type
        let headers = request.additionalData
        //Requests implementation
    //Network client implementation...

Step 2: Assign the dependencies

On AppDelegate or on Beagle’s environment, assign the instance of CustomNetworkClient to the networkClient attribute from BeagleDependencies:

let dependencies = BeagleDependencies()
dependencies.networkClient = CustomNetworkClient()
BeagleConfigurator.setup(dependencies: dependencies)

Done! Now, Beagle will use your class with all the changes and definition needed to make the http requests.


The example below has the same implementation used in the BeagleScaffold and BeagleDefault libraries.


Create a new file called NetworkClientDefault, which will have a class conforming to the NetworkClientProtocol.

This implementation uses Foundation resources to make requests, such as URLSession.

import Foundation
import Beagle

public class NetworkClientDefault: NetworkClientProtocol {

    public var session = URLSession.shared

    public var httpRequestBuilder = HttpRequestBuilder()
    @OptionalInjected var logger: LoggerProtocol?

    enum ClientError: Swift.Error {
        case invalidHttpResponse
        case invalidHttpRequest
    init(_ resolver: DependenciesContainerResolving) {
        _logger = OptionalInjected(resolver)

    public func executeRequest(
        _ request: Request,
        completion: @escaping RequestCompletion
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        return doRequest(request, completion: completion)

    private func doRequest(
        _ request: Request,
        completion: @escaping RequestCompletion
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        let build =
            url: request.url,
            additionalData: request.additionalData
        let urlRequest = build.toUrlRequest()

        let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) { [weak self] data, response, error in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            self.logger?.log( .init(data: data, response: response))))
            completion(self.handleResponse(data: data, request: urlRequest, response: response, error: error))
        logger?.log( .init(url: urlRequest))))
        return task

    private func handleResponse(
        data: Data?,
        request: URLRequest,
        response: URLResponse?,
        error: Swift.Error?
    ) -> NetworkClientProtocol.NetworkResult {
        if let error = error {
            return .failure(NetworkError(error: error, request: request))

            let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
            let responseData = data
        else {
            return .failure(NetworkError(
                error: ClientError.invalidHttpResponse,
                data: data,
                request: request,
                response: response

        return .success(.init(data: responseData, response: httpResponse))


Create a new file called HttpRequestBuilder. This class will be used to configure http request configurations.

In the example below, build the request (url, method, headers and body).

import Foundation
import Beagle

public class HttpRequestBuilder {

    public var additionalHeaders = [String: String]()
    public init() { }

    public func build(
        url: URL,
        additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?
    ) -> Result {

        let headers = makeHeaders(additionalData: additionalData)
        var body: Data?
        if let additionalDataBody = additionalData?.body {
            body = try? JSONEncoder().encode(additionalDataBody)
        return Result(
            url: url,
            method: additionalData?.method?.rawValue ?? "GET",
            headers: headers,
            body: body
    public struct Result {
        var url: URL
        var method: String
        var headers: [String: String]
        var body: Data?
        init(url: URL, method: String, headers: [String: String], body: Data?) {
            self.url = url
            self.method = method
            self.headers = headers
            self.body = body
        func toUrlRequest() -> URLRequest {
            var request = URLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData, timeoutInterval: 100)
            request.httpMethod = method
            request.httpBody = body
            headers.forEach {
                request.addValue($0.value, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.key)
            return request

    private func makeHeaders(additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?) -> [String: String] {
        var headers = [
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "beagle-platform": "IOS"
        additionalData?.headers?.forEach {
            headers.updateValue($0.value, forKey: $0.key)
        additionalHeaders.forEach {
            headers.updateValue($0.value, forKey: $0.key)
        return headers

    private func configureBodyParameters(
        _ parameters: [String: Any],
        in body: inout Data?
    ) {
        body = try? parameters, options: [])

    private func configureURLParameters(
        _ parameters: [String: String],
        in url: inout URL
    ) {
        guard var components = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true) else { return }

        components.queryItems = parameters
            .filter { !$0.value.isEmpty }
            .map { URLQueryItem(name: $0.key, value: $0.value) }

        if let newUrl = components.url {
            url = newUrl