View Client

This section describes the ViewClient e and how to modify it.

What is it?

The View Client is a dependency that is called by Beagle’s internal classes to search for components in the backend. It is a middleware between the networkClient layer and Beagle. In this way, this protocol exposes the methods: fetch and prefetch to do these functionalities:

public protocol ViewClientProtocol {
    func fetch(
        url: String,
        additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?,
        completion: @escaping (Result<ServerDrivenComponent, Request.Error>) -> Void
    ) -> RequestToken?
    func prefetch(url: String, additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?)

How to use?

Implementing fetch

The default fetch implementation follows these steps:

Step 1: Checks if there is no cached component for the given url

Step 2: If a cache exists, it returns the cached component in the completion block.

Step 3: assemble the URL from urlBuilder

Step 4: make the request from the networkClient

Step 5: decodes the response data from the coder

Step 6: returns the ServerDrivenComponent in the completion block.

Implementing prefetch

The default implementation of prefetch follows these steps:

Step 1: Follows the same logic as steps 3, 4 and 5 of fetch

Step 2: Cache (NSCache) the component and assign the url as the search key

Creating a Custom ViewClient

Therefore, it is possible to implement the View Client in a customized way so that we can adopt a cache logic.

Dependency definition

To implement a custom ViewClient, we can use the standard Beagle ViewClient as a base. In this way, we define 3 base dependencies that will be used by our implementation:

  1. NetworkClient: Execute requests

  2. URLBuilder: Mount the urls

  3. Coder: Decodes the result of requests

In addition, we can define a fourth dependency that will be responsible for managing the components cache, for this example we will name it CacheManager.

Implementing ViewClientProtocol

Now we need to implement the ViewClientProtocol’s fetch and prefetch methods, and from there we can adopt our custom component cache policy.

In this example, we will fetch the component in cache every time the fetch method is called and if it is not found, we will make the request normally (implemented in the fetchComponent method) and cache the result, for that we will assign the url of the request as a search key:

func fetch(
        url: String,
        additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?,
        completion: @escaping (Result<ServerDrivenComponent, Request.Error>) -> Void
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        // cache custom logic
        if let component = cacheManager.getComponent(for: url) {
            return nil
        } else {
            return fetchComponent(url: url, additionalData: additionalData, completion: completion)

So the fetchComponent method will have the following implementation:

    private func fetchComponent(
        url: String, 
        additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?, 
        completion: @escaping (Result<ServerDrivenComponent, Request.Error>) -> Void
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        guard let fullURL = url) else {
            return nil
        guard let networkClient = networkClient else {
            return nil
        let request = Request(url: fullURL, additionalData: additionalData)
        return networkClient.executeRequest(request) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let response):
                // cache custom logic
                let decodeResult = self.decodeComponent(from:
                if case .success(let component) = decodeResult {
                    self.cacheManager.insert(component: component, url: url)
            case .failure(let networkError):

We can see that five steps are performed:

Step 1: Mount url from urlBuilder

Step 2: Execute the request from the networkClient

Step 3: Decode the response into a component from the coder

Step 4: Insert the cached component from the cacheManager

Step 5: Returns the component from the completion block

For the prefetch method we can simply follow the same behavior as the fetchComponent method, so just call it with the completion block being an empty closure:

func prefetch(url: String, additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?) {
    fetchComponent(url: url, additionalData: additionalData, completion: { _ in })

Final result

Finally, we have this implementation as a result:

class ViewClientCustom: ViewClientProtocol {

    // MARK: Beagle Dependencies
    @OptionalInjected var networkClient: NetworkClientProtocol?
    @Injected var urlBuilder: UrlBuilderProtocol
    @Injected var coder: CoderProtocol

    init() {}

    init(_ resolver: DependenciesContainerResolving) {
        _coder = Injected(resolver)
        _urlBuilder = Injected(resolver)
        _networkClient = OptionalInjected(resolver)

    // MARK: Inner Dependencies
    // Cache manager
    var cacheManager: CacheManagerProtocol!
    // MARK: ViewClientProtocol
    func fetch(
        url: String,
        additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?,
        completion: @escaping (Result<ServerDrivenComponent, Request.Error>) -> Void
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        // cache custom logic
        if let component = cacheManager.getComponent(for: url) {
            return nil
        } else {
            return fetchComponent(url: url, additionalData: additionalData, completion: completion)
    func prefetch(url: String, additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?) {
        fetchComponent(url: url, additionalData: additionalData, completion: { _ in })
    // MARK: Private Functions
    private func fetchComponent(
        url: String, 
        additionalData: HttpAdditionalData?, 
        completion: @escaping (Result<ServerDrivenComponent, Request.Error>) -> Void
    ) -> RequestToken? {
        guard let fullURL = url) else {
            return nil
        guard let networkClient = networkClient else {
            return nil
        let request = Request(url: fullURL, additionalData: additionalData)
        return networkClient.executeRequest(request) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let response):
                // cache custom logic
                let decodeResult = self.decodeComponent(from:
                if case .success(let component) = decodeResult {
                    self.cacheManager.insert(component: component, url: url)
            case .failure(let networkError):
    private func decodeComponent(from data: Data) -> Swift.Result<ServerDrivenComponent, Request.Error> {
        do {
            return .success(try coder.decode(from: data))
        } catch {
            return .failure(.decoding(error))