Using the Playground

Here, you’ll find more information on how to use Playground.

Using the playground

Files menu

On the files menu, the left of the screen, you are able to create, delete or select a file and then click on the first top icon or press CRTL+B you can minimize or expand the menu.


The JSON’s changes can be saved clicking on the second top icon or pressing CRTL+S. You can update the screen preview with a new JSON, click on the fourth icon on the top corner or press F9.

When the changes are saved, a link will be available for your project, it is on the cloud and then you are able to access anywhere you want.


On the right top menu, it is possible to select which platform you want to use, React Web or Angular are available.

Last modified February 12, 2021: Fix/migrate images to aws (#299) (a7bb5457)