The Beagle View

Accessing and controlling the BeagleView

The Beagle View is the entity responsible to manage a server-driven view. It can be created through the Beagle Service via the function createBeagleView. The BeagleView can fetch a new view, update its tree, navigate, etc.

Accessing the Beagle View

A Beagle View is created in Angular or React when the component BeagleRemoteView is used. To get access to it, you should use the property onCreateBeagleView, in Angular, or viewRef in React.

See the examples below:


<beagle-remote-view [route]="/home" (onCreateBeagleView)="onCreateBeagleView($event)">
import { Component } from '@angular/core'
import { BeagleView } from '@zup-it/beagle-web'

  // ...
class MyComponent {
  private beagleView: BeagleView | undefined

  // ...

  logBeagleView() {
    if (!this.beagleView) return

  onCreateBeagleView(beagleView) {
    this.beagleView = beagleView


import React, { useRef, MutableRefObject, useEffect } from 'react'
import { BeagleRemoteView } from '@zup-it/beagle-react'
import { BeagleView } from '@zup-it/beagle-web'

const MyComponent: FC = () => {
  const beagleView = useRef() as MutableRefObject<BeagleView | undefined>

  // ...

  logBeagleView() {
    if (!beagleView.current) return

  useEffect(logBeagleView, [])

  return <BeagleRemoteView route="/my-route" viewRef={beagleView} />

In the examples above, you accessed the Beagle View and logged it. It is important to notice that you need to check for the Beagle View availability before using it. Since the Beagle View is created by a child component, it won’t be available before the children components are created.

Fetching a view

To fetch a view from the backend you need a reference to BeagleService and then call the method viewClient.fetch(remoteView).

A reference to BeagleService can be obtained from its BeagleView, through the method getBeagleService().

The method viewClient.fetch(remoteView) requires a single parameter, which is the route to be accessed from the backend so the view can be retrieved. The properties of the RemoteView can be found at beagle-remote-view article.

To render a view retrieved by the client, the renderer BeagleView: view.getRenderer() should be used. The methods od the Renderer that render a view are doFullRender and doPartialRender, to learn more about them, read the article on rendering, more specifically the “Using the Renderer” section.

Listening to changes on the UI tree

Both Beagle Angular and React listen to changes on the UI tree so they can update the screen accordingly. If it is useful for your use case, you can also listen to theses events from the BeagleView. To add a listener, just call the method onChangefrom the BeagleView

beagleView.onChange should be called with a single parameter: the listener function. This function receives the current tree and returns null. See next an example:

const unsubscribeLogger = beagleView.onChange((newTree) => {
  console.log('The tree was updated!')

To remove the listener, just call the returned function. In the previous example, unsubscribeLogger()

Error listeners are registered in a similar way. The only difference is that they receive a list of errors:

const removeErrorListener = beagleView.addErrorListener((errors) => {
  console.log('Oops! An error just happened!')

Destroying the Beagle View

To prevent already destroyed components from being called, the Beagle View needs to be destroyed if it is not going to be used again. If you are using Angular or React there is no need to worry about this because it will be done automatically by the library. If you are using Beagle Web directly, without using beagle-angular or beagle-react, you should call beagleView.destroy() when the page is removed from memory.


Below you can find all methods of the Beagle View and their description:

onChangefunctionReceives the listener and returns a function to cancel the subscription.
getRendererfunctionreturns the renderer of the view. Can be used to update the tree directly.
getTreefunctionreturns a copy of the currently rendered tree.
getNavigatorfunctionreturns the navigator.
getBeagleServicefunctionreturns the BeagleService that created this view.
destroyfunctiondestroys this view.

Last modified March 3, 2022: Fix/updates web docs 2.0 (#846) (d50077b7)