
BeagleRemoteView description and its parameters

What is it?

The BeagleRemoteView is the input component for a server driven workflow in Beagle Web.

How to use it?

We have listed an exemple below on how to use this component.

<beagle-remote-view route="/my-server-driven-page"></beagle-remote-view>
<BeagleRemoteView route="/my-server-driven-page" />



BeagleRemoteView has a single mandatory parameter: the route. The route can be a string with the URL or a complex object of type RemoteView. When it’s a string, we assume the route is a simple GET to the given URL, with no additional headers. If you need to make a request with another HTTP method, response body or specific headers, you must create an object from RemoteView type, that has the following properties:

  • url: the only required property. Indicates the request URL.
  • fallback: UI tree to render if the request fails.
  • shouldPrefetch: is not useful when used with the BeagleRemoteView component. In other situations, they preload the page as soon as possible rather than waiting for specific events.
  • httpAdditionalData: used to configure the request. An HttpAdditionalData contains:
    • method: the HTTP method, the default is GET.
    • headers: a map with the request headers.
    • body: the body of the request. This is not valid for GET requests.


The second parameter accepted by BeagleRemoteView is optional and defines which navigation controller will be used. The navigation controllers are responsible for deciding what to do in the loading, what error and success events should be called for a screen. If it is not informed, the default controller from beagle will be used. To learn more about navigation controllers, read this article.

Last modified March 10, 2022: feat: Translate docs 2.0 (#868) (4aa7430c)